Project Vocalis

One woman's quest to travel, investigate, and educate about what makes us uniquely passionate.

One small step for (wo)man…

So here I am–a 22 year old woman with a crazy idea.

What if I travel to six countries in six months and study alternative education through observing teachers who encourage their students to pursue what they’re passionate about. Er…what the students are passionate about, that is.

Here’s an even crazier idea:

Compile findings into this blog and start my own business to help kids figure out what lights their flame and how to actively pursue their interest.

Ok, ok, one step at a time.

First of all, I have this blog that I’m starting as a means to:

1. Hold myself accountable for reaching my goals 2. Interview people about their passions and document said interviews here 3. Raise awareness about my cause 4. Gain support and momentum to make this dream a reality.

Totally possible, right? Right.

Well, alright. Let me tell you a wee bit about myself. My name is Katrina and I was born with a condition called chronic idealism. It’s an incurable disease that I’ve lived with my entire life. Symptoms include an aptitude for over-sincere remarks, being blinded by the shiny silver lining on the clouds that seem to hang over lots of humans’ heads, acting as a dangerous liaison to imaginative territory and being an unmitigated thinker of impetuous thought.

It’s a terrible condition, really. However, lately I’ve been thinking that I may be able to utilize it to, you know, change the world a bit. I’ve always had large dreams that looked like massive clouds floating impossibly high in the sky. I’ve watched them float by, thinking that it would be terribly difficult to ever reach them. It would certainly take large amounts of invention, creativity and the willingness to fall unceremoniously back to the unwelcoming ground.

So then, that’s what I’ll do.

It seems practically cliche now–the notion that a large journey begins with a single step. But then, that’s the kind of person I am–somebody to prove that the cliches are true.

Here’s to my first step into the great unknown. Cheers!

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3 thoughts on “One small step for (wo)man…

  1. Though it may seem like a “small” step, the first step is the most important one!

    You won’t be alone… I’ll be following along the way, and I’m sure many others will too. Bon voyage!

  2. Christina Nilsson on said:

    The beginning of an amazing life journey!
    I can’t wait to read Love you,

  3. Little Bird…Big dreams…step by step…I will follow you:)

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